

Proposal for sign re-painting of north, south and west signs

Ronnie J Pitts
Proposal to re-paint the "Welcome to Jourdanton" Signs at the north, south, and west entrances into Jourdanton

$200 a sign x 3 = $600 total labor with $200 of the $600 to be paid upon completion of the first sign at the west entrance coming in from Charlotte to see if the level of work is satisfactory before beginning the north and south signs.

Supplies needed:  wire brushes to create a smooth surface, paint brushes, primer, paint, paint thinner and sealant—around $300

Hiring Juan Gaitan (lifelong Jourdanton resident), who helped paint the red pipe structures shown in the attached picture which is next to the city park. 

I would call for an email vote so that work can begin next week if approved.  I would like it done for Small Business Saturday and our Christmas Event.

If anyone is interested...I would like help with the supply purchases to make sure we buy the right kinds.  

Thank you 

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